Sep 18, 2009

And the Winner is....

Ok so we are finally at the end of the very   l o n g e s t   guessing competition in the history of blogging and my very first give away. I like to take my time about these things but I've learnt my lesson with this one........So idea was that you guess the total value of my little pink palace, down to the last cent. I'm in, it's working and the fly screens went on today so I'm Calling it finished (although the deck is yet to come). 

Thanks to all those who entered, I hope you still remember - it was a long long time ago now!

Your Cheeky Monkey guessed     $23 000
Citrus Daily  guessed                   $20 750
flyinight guessed                          $21 890
Treasures of joy guessed             $22 000
Angie guessed                             $21 350
Original Mischief guessed          $25 631
Mel guessed                                $25 000

And the total was             $24 373.62

So it's Mel!!!!!!!!!
I will be in touch asap and send of your yard of Gorgeous roses vintage fabric! CONGRATULATIONS!

thanks All.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay! I have really enjoyed watching this room develop and especially seeing your shelves fill up with fabric!

    And I reckon I might be pretty warm with the answer to your next comp too!
