Oct 24, 2009

Beside the Bed

Ok here's my unedited bedside, usually a stack of books but at the moment a stack of Dumbo Feather magazines - old ones, I'm determined to read them all before I start something else. Stack of birthday cards I use for book marks, and so on. The usually dust - so glad it didn't show up.  I love my bedside, it always has something comforting there usually a good book or mag and I seriously get excited when I get into bed and have time for a bit of reading. It is the best time of the day.

Want to poke your nose into more bedsides? Check Pip's place.


  1. This is such a cosy looking picture of your bedside. Maybe it's the glow from the lamp,but the magazines, cards and nicnacs add to the effect.
    I too enjoy reading in bed with the lamp switched on. It makes a lovely end to the day.

  2. That lamp makes me weak at the knees! It's gorgeous and nanna-riffic! I love your bedside! xxx

  3. Love the cosy comfortable look of your bedside.

  4. ssoo cosy & verry inviting..love the lamp!

  5. It is a very cozy corner for sure. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me lovely comments. I love that!

  6. just surfed on in and thought I'd stop by in and say hello!

    love the lampshade, looks so cozy and vintage-y!

    I've only just heard of Dumbo Feather, I'd like to get hold of some...


  7. I love that lamp, it's awesome!

  8. That lamp is a real treasure that's why it's beside MY bed ! appricated and loved every night. thanks!
